Carlo Mazzi
Presidente | PradaCarlo Mazzi was appointed Chairman of the Board on February 14, 2014, he was re-elected Executive Director on May 22, 2012. In addition to these Board positions he holds directorships in subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Mazzi obtained a degree "cum laude" in Mechanical Engineering from the Bologna University of Italy in 1971 and obtained a Master's degree in Business Administration from Bocconi University of Milan in 1976. Mr. Mazzi worked as a Manager of the large corporate department of IMI and San Paolo IMI Bank from 1994 to 2000. He was Deputy Chairman and Executive Committee Member of IBI Bank AG - Zurich; Board Member of IBI Corporate Finance BV, Amsterdam and Managing Director of IBI SpA, Milan from 2000 to 2004. Mr. Mazzi was previously a board member of ABN AMRO SpA, Milan; SAGO SpA, Florence, IMILEASE SpA, Rome, Banca di Intermediazione Mobiliare IMI SpA, Milan, Tecnofarmaci SpA, Pomezia, SIM SpA, Rome and Paros International Insurance Brokers Srl, Milan.