Antonio Nigro
HR Group Director | RielloHR Director at Riello SpA. Degree in Law, Master Degree in Business Administration (CUOA). - Responsible for management and optimization of Human Resource assuring the respect of budget and costs of Group personnel - Experience in company restructuring operations - Member of the Board for Companies controlled in Italy, Poland, Belgium and Switzerland - Key Experiences: 2009 - To date: HR Director (Riello Spa). 2007 - 2009: HR Group Manager (Fiamm Spa). 2005 - 2007: HR Manager (Bosch VHIT Spa). 2000 - 2005: HR Manager for Italian Plants (Fiamm Spa). 1999 - 2000: HR Organizational Development Manager (Metis Spa). 1998 - 1999: HR Organizational Development (Estel Spa).