Andrea Cattabriga
Presidente, Co-Founder | Slow/dArchitect, service designer and entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO at Slowd, he is engaged in research on product design innovation and distributed/collaborative supply chain systems, trying to connect creativity to the knowledge in manufacturing, promoting openness and collaboration. On charge as member of the Committee on Service Design at ADI (Italian Industrial Design Association, research partner of the Faculty of Economics Marco Biagi, University of Modena-Reggio Emilia, consultant, project manager and senior technology transfer at Fondazione Democenter-Sipe (Modena) with a focus on the development of local innovation framework between fab labs, makers and enterprises. He teaches at Nuova Accademia Belle Arti in Milan, B.A. in Product Designers. As an architect he as collaborated to international projects for Tetra Pak , Feltrinelli, ENI , Reggio Children , GIIS Dubai, Cariparma, Expo 2015 Milan Triennale and others. Speaker and panelist in many events about design, service design, open business, making, artisan renaissement, digital fabrication and craftsmanship.